The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Putting Amici Bella together

                  Today the kids went with me to the suite to meet Heather.  We had to put up border and paint a wall.  The border is a damask style...and it looks so pretty next to the curtains that Heather's mom made for us.  You can also see the beading we have on one of our windows.
   You can see the little wall we needed to paint wasn't very big, but we quickly discovered that dark paint takes more than 2 coats...we actually have to go back tomorrow to put the final coat on.

                           In case some of you weren't sure who my partner was...,this is Heather.  We have so much fun together  and are looking forward to our future at Amici Bella :)
                                 The kids were soooo good I had to reward them.  We went to Cold Stone.  Mackenzie got Birthday Cake did taste just like birthday cake :)
                            Marcus got Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip.....they were both really good and we had leftovers to bring home for later! :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby Races

                          Today was the Pinewood Derby Races...Marcus' car was called Blue Lightning and although he didn't do as well as last year, he still had fun. 
                      They did give trophy's this year for participating.....
                                Dad's got to build cars too.  Mitch made the Deathmobile from the movie Animal House...everyone loved it!
                                              Dad's have just as much fun as the boys!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Off to the Races

      Over the weekend Marcus got his supplies for his pinewood derby car.  Marcus is sanding his car for the Pinewood Derby races this Saturday with the Cub Scouts...last year he got first place in his heat.
                                                           working hard..........
                  Then last night he spray painted it......
   I know you can't see the car...we will show off the finished product after the races :)
             After Mac and I did the pet walk on Sunday, we all went to a train park for a birthday party
                It was fun...alll the kids got to ride in a train and play games...
                 The girl smiling big is Taylor...she is the daughter of one of Mitch's co-workers...she is about 4 months younger than Marcus...she followed him ALL OVER the entire time....the next day Mitch said his co worker said Taylor talked about Marcus the whole rest of the day :)
                         To end our very busy weekend we ate at the Hurricane.
                                                           Im ready for bed.........

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pet Walk

     Heather and I and our girls signed up for the Pet Charitites Pet Walk...You could do a 1 mile walk or a 5K...we chose the 5K (3miles)  it was a great day for a walk.  It was at Tempe Town Lake...a beautiful spot near ASU.
         As you can see by her tail tucked underneath her, she wasn't quite sure what to make of all the pets roaming around.  Ater the walk began though, she was trotting along side all the other dogs.  Some dogs were dressed up; even dogs and their owners were dressed alike :)
        I used my old camera, so some of the pics were pretty hard to see, but this Sarah and Mackenzie.
        Lots of dogs enjoyed this stop along the walk...Copper wasn't sure what to first.
                 She has never been around open water before...she loved it!  Heather's dog, a golden retriever, tried to swim away...Heather had to hold on for dear life and pull Bo back to shore!
    Now, if any of you are cat lovers and watch the Animal Planet, you will know who this guy is.  Jackson Galaxy Cat Therapist!!!  He has a show called Cat from Hell...  I know, right...totally silly...he kind of looks like a serial killer in this photo..but super nice guy....I get a kick out of watching his show. 
  After the walk,  we let the dogs play in the play area...on a good note..Copper was worn out the rest of the day...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A weekend at home

   For some reason when I loaded these pictures it did them all out of order :/ This was last night.  Mitch had to go to San Diego for a business trip, so it was just the kids and I.  I told them I did not want to anything that had to do with the tv, computer, DS or any other electronic gadget..we played cards and ate chips and cheese dip.
     Marcus and his sister were attemping a pillow fight...but it gets the dog all fired up, so I put a stop to it. 
    Heather and I are getting ready to move into our suite this week.  I had Mackenzie do inventory on all our polishes;  she had to check them to make sure they weren't old and then had to write down the name and how many of that color we had.  It kept her busy for a while.
        What a pretty, pretty girl I have.  Hard to believe she will be 11 next month.

         Marcus wanted to cut something with a knife...he cut up an entire block of cheese.
Ok, these are totally out of order...anyway.  Mackenzie recorded the Pioneer Woman's show for me yesterday while I was at work.  She made these yummy looking chocolate desserts.  But when I went to print out the  recipe, the reviews weren't so good...said the cookie was dry and not sweet except for the candied part.  So we went to the store and bought the double chocolate chip cookie dough.  Mackenzie made these...don't they look divine!!! She used toffee candy chopped up, m&m's and valentine chips.
With some of the melted chocolate, Marcus made some dipped pretzels.
Here is Mac, chopping up the toffee candy bar...
And here should have been the first picture when she rolled out the dough and cut out the cookies...she is wearing her cute apron Grandma Katy made her using red and blue for our KU!


Monday, February 6, 2012

New Adventure

    This is NOT my new adventure, but rather something I wake up to almost daily...when we put Copper to bed at night in her crate, we cover the crate with a blanket so the cats do not bother her.  Well she has started trying to pull the blanket through the gaps in the crate and then managed to get the poly-fill out..Bad Copper!  I have tried just a sheet, but she can pull the whole sheet into the crate...
      My friend Heather and I are leaving Indulge next week after being there for 4 years.  We are going into business for ourselves and opening our own Boutique.  It is a suite, just big enough for the 2 of us to work on clients.  We named our baby Amici Bella Nail Boutique :)  Amici is pronounced ameechee and it means Beautiful Friends in Italian.  We have been very busy buying everything we need to get started. 
 This is the this picture our room is not painted yet and still has hair equipment from the last girls that used it.  But we are excited because we got a suite with windows :)

   After it gets painted and we get our stuff moved in I will post more pictures.
     We are excited to get it going.  Wish us luck :)
    I know this pic is blurry, but it was from his Winter concert...he looked so cute in his hat and scarf.