The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Monday, May 30, 2011

Food, food and more food

 The pork butt spent several hours inside the smoker; the whole neighborhood smelled like hickory...yummm
 While the pork was "resting" we dove into my homemade salsa.  I love Hint of Lime tortilla chips with my salsa, Mitch loves Hint of Jalapeno...
 I haven't figured out how to put a recipe link on here, even with Nicole's help.  This is The Neely's Spicy Slaw and is it ever good!!! The heat is from cayenne pepper...
 Now the pork is shredded and we can't wait to dive in!  We love the smoker!!!
 For dessert i made fudgy cheesecake brownies..Mackenzie kept opening the oven and rubbing her hands together like she couldn't wait!
 Mitch ate his pork on a bun with the slaw on the side...let's just say, he had more than one plate and is taking a big ol' nap right now!
 I put mine on corn tortillas topped with the slaw!!! Yummo!!!
 This is the stray that showed up while we were out smoking the meat...she is a girl, we think she is prego, and we have named her "Smokey"

She was crying when we were inside eating...we are stray cat central for sure!
So, we make this great meal and what does Marcus want?...plain hotdog with relish on the side..

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friends and Pratt's Pets

 When Marcus had Caleb over, I took them Golden Corral.  They had fun and they LOVE the dessert bar!
 After Caleb went home we went up to Pratt's's a feed store slash pet store...the kids love to go in there.  Of course, they BEG to bring a little critter home...that would be a no!
 Marcus already had a name for this bunny...blackie
We had just seen RIO (a cartoon about birds)...they wanted to buy the bird too!

Kicking off Memorial weekend

 This is my screen im trying to cover with snail vine.  A lot of growth since the last picture I posted.
 Marcus likes to skateboard...

 Mackenzie wanted short hair for summer, so I cut about 2 inches off the bottom.  Doesn't she look grown up? yikes!
 ok...I don't know what is going on, but we are apparantly, stray cat central...this is the 3rd stray cat in our backyard this week.  We had 3 strays last year that were kittens.  I finally had to take them to the Humane Society.  This one seems very tame.
 We went to one of our favorite places to dinner, The Hurricane.

Marcus HAD to take a picture...

Mitch is going to be smoking and grilling ALL weekend. I will try to post some of his BBQ!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend of fun

 Mackenzie spent the night with Caitie Friday night and I put her to work after she got home.  Our little garden needed watering.  It is starting to fizzle out.  I got quite a few tomatoes this year and am happy about that.
 Sunday it was Marcus' turn for a friend to come over.  Caleb and him got down to business right away playing the Wii.

 Mackenzie waited on them, serving them snacks and drinks throughout the evening.
 This morning they were up early and playing their DS games.  I made them pancakes, bacon and sausage..

After breakfast, we hung out for awhile then went to see the cartoon movie RIO.  It was cute. We stopped at the park on our way back and then Caleb went home.  I think everyone will call it an early night tonight!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring is still in the desert

 After a freeze earlier this year my bushes are starting to green up and recover.
 I put an old screen there to let the vine grow around it...if it works I will plant a vine on the opposite side to see if I can get it to arch over my doorway.  If it works I will snap another photo.  This is called snail vine and it makes a pretty purple flower that sort of resembles a snail.
 This is one of the many baskets of beautiful flowers I got from family on Mother's Day.
 Our  little bunnies always add a cute touch to my flowers.
 This is what Panther does ALL day until we are ready for bed.
I wish Gram could see this photo.  I LOVE old kitchen gadgets.  As soon as mom sent these to me I put them right on my little shelf...thanks Gram!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last day of school

 Marcus with his First grade teacher, Mrs. Sprankle.  Mrs. Sprankle was also Mackenzie's First grade teacher.
 Their class had a party today for their last day of school.  Here is Marcus with his friend Elvis.

 The kids received awards for different accomplishments throughout the year.  Marcus received an award for doing all 6 pillars of character: responsibility, respect, fairness, trustworthiness, citizenship and caring.
Yay for summer!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tomatoes!! I have finally raised tomatoes!

After nearly 8 years of trying to grow tomatoes I finally succeeded with the cherry tomato

This is Mac at gymnastics on the bars.  I know it's not a great picture but it is fun to watch her.  It's hard work and she even has the blisters to prove it!

Friday, May 13, 2011

1st grade music program

Each first grade class put on a skit and sing a couple songs.  Marcus was picked to burp at the end of their skit and he marched right up to the microphone and burped real loud.  Such a proud moment for me, the mom! It seems in this picture, that a lot of cute little girls are staring at him!
My shy little guy has sure come a long way!

Then the classes sang a farewell song to our principal, Ms. Buck.  She will be leaving at the end of the year.  We are all sad to see her go. She truly loves the kids.  I would see her at every event with a smile on her face.
Ms. Buck started crying  as the children sang.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mackenzie's band concert

          Mackenzie and Caitie both play the flute. 
                         They got to wear their band t-shirt.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Busy week for Marcus

 After losing tooth number 1 a couple weeks ago...tooth number 2 was quick to follow!
              Getting ready for his awards ceremony at karate
Marcus tested well and earned his green belt with a white stripe! Good job Marcus!