The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Monday, May 30, 2011

Food, food and more food

 The pork butt spent several hours inside the smoker; the whole neighborhood smelled like hickory...yummm
 While the pork was "resting" we dove into my homemade salsa.  I love Hint of Lime tortilla chips with my salsa, Mitch loves Hint of Jalapeno...
 I haven't figured out how to put a recipe link on here, even with Nicole's help.  This is The Neely's Spicy Slaw and is it ever good!!! The heat is from cayenne pepper...
 Now the pork is shredded and we can't wait to dive in!  We love the smoker!!!
 For dessert i made fudgy cheesecake brownies..Mackenzie kept opening the oven and rubbing her hands together like she couldn't wait!
 Mitch ate his pork on a bun with the slaw on the side...let's just say, he had more than one plate and is taking a big ol' nap right now!
 I put mine on corn tortillas topped with the slaw!!! Yummo!!!
 This is the stray that showed up while we were out smoking the meat...she is a girl, we think she is prego, and we have named her "Smokey"

She was crying when we were inside eating...we are stray cat central for sure!
So, we make this great meal and what does Marcus want?...plain hotdog with relish on the side..

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