The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kicking off Memorial weekend

 This is my screen im trying to cover with snail vine.  A lot of growth since the last picture I posted.
 Marcus likes to skateboard...

 Mackenzie wanted short hair for summer, so I cut about 2 inches off the bottom.  Doesn't she look grown up? yikes!
 ok...I don't know what is going on, but we are apparantly, stray cat central...this is the 3rd stray cat in our backyard this week.  We had 3 strays last year that were kittens.  I finally had to take them to the Humane Society.  This one seems very tame.
 We went to one of our favorite places to dinner, The Hurricane.

Marcus HAD to take a picture...

Mitch is going to be smoking and grilling ALL weekend. I will try to post some of his BBQ!

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