The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring is still in the desert

 After a freeze earlier this year my bushes are starting to green up and recover.
 I put an old screen there to let the vine grow around it...if it works I will plant a vine on the opposite side to see if I can get it to arch over my doorway.  If it works I will snap another photo.  This is called snail vine and it makes a pretty purple flower that sort of resembles a snail.
 This is one of the many baskets of beautiful flowers I got from family on Mother's Day.
 Our  little bunnies always add a cute touch to my flowers.
 This is what Panther does ALL day until we are ready for bed.
I wish Gram could see this photo.  I LOVE old kitchen gadgets.  As soon as mom sent these to me I put them right on my little shelf...thanks Gram!

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