The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Snail Vine and Donuts

 I LOVE snail grows fast and is so pretty.  I love the over grown look.
 The bloom is very pretty!!!
 Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything...with the kids out of school now my time is more limited....
 We still have the stray...Smokey hasn't left..and of course, Mac is getting attached.
           Marcus was using Panther as a pillow
 Today we made donuts out of Grand biscuits...the recipe I used was a little said fry in oil until brown...

 The donut holes browned in about 20 seconds!  Leaving the center I had to turn the heat down and wait
 Much better...but then the kids wanted to frost them...
I looked at them when they finished...I said "what an ugly color"...we are calling them Shrek donuts!  They were pretty tasty I might add.  :)

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