The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Snail Vine update and buttermilk biscuits

                      My vine is out of control now...I believe a family of gecko's is living in there.
      But it's so pretty I hate to cut it.
 We are getting ready to head to the graduation banquet for Midwestern University.
 Im making homemade buttermilk biscuits using Gram's utensil' you know they are going to come out great knowing I have Grma's magic touch!
    And...Im using my favorite cookbook The Pioneer Woman" I got from Brooke.
                                     Perfect! :)
                        I made the kids pose for a snap so I could add them in the blog.
 We got Mac her school shoes early because she just HAD TO HAVE a pair of Van's shoes
And every single time I go upstairs...Snuggles is waiting by the bathroom door hoping someone will let her drink from the tub....

1 comment:

  1. I have made so many things out of the Pioneer Woman cookbook! I love it!!
