The Emerson Family Blog

The Emerson Family Blog

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer time

 Kids were enjoying the pool one evening.  They thought it was cool swimming inthe dark.
                  They were being silly in this photo.  :)

 Mac was playing with playdough and made me a salad  :)

 .....and a cheeseburger...if you look at the tv in the back, you can see it was on Casey Anthony coverage...something I don't wish to talk about since she was found Not Guilty...
 Marcus was hard at work on his Pirates Legos
 Mac and Caitie can hardly be apart...we had her for a sleepover...
 more swimming.......
 and Mac made pancakes with strawberries and srambled eggs for her Caitie for breakfast..
Mackenzie can actually flip around the bar a couple times now in gymnastics...she has moved up to level 2 now. 

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